• Innovation English  Innovatie Nederlands

Solutions Innovation Platform

Improve your innovative power with your stakeholders actively involved

We offer solutions that can be fully customized to your business needs. Without customization, we can manage new solutions that solves your business problem that can even go beyond innovation themes. Our platform does not have a standard method, but facilitates processes with ideation, serious gaming, and social learning elements. Existing methods often provide a good basis for creating new solutions rapidly without any risk.

ideation and crowdsourcing  solution

Ideation / Crowd Sourcing

Ideas inside, but also collected outside your organization (eco systems), where the crowd assesses the ideas themselves! They determine the value of the ideas for your organization. The advanced assessment model calculates the value of ideas based on the feedback from the crowd. You can therefore easily select the potentially interesting ideas.
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innovation solution to collect, select, develop and deploy ideas

Innovation Challenge

Serious game where ideas are developed individually or in teams in competition to propositions that can be effectively implemented. An extensive online environment where competition, learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration is important.
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innovator accelarator challenge

Innovation Accelerator Challenge

An effective method to develop new propositions within 2 weeks where both our online platform is used to gather ideas by your employees and other stakeholders as a two day workshop where the ideas are elaborated in teams to successful propositions. Supported innovations within your organization!
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business model innovator solution

Business Model Innovation Challenge

Different business models are being developed in a community. The best business model is chosen in competition by using serious gaming techniques. The feasibility of the business model is the goal and not a beautiful sketch!
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customer experience solution challenge

Customer Experience Challenge

Community where improvements or entire new concepts for the customer experience are developed in detail, so that they produce immediate results. Here, among other things, serious gaming techniques are used.
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Education social learning

Education Challenge

Social learning where gathering knowledge, learning from each other and gaining new insights is central. It contains a gamification element. Unique solution focused on practice.
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Your innovation issue

Your business challenge

All our solutions can be tailored to your business problem. We do believe in the use of best practices, but not in a "one size fit all" approach. Challenges often require business-specific adaptations. In the approach itself often lurks already a part of the solution!