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Innofication - Innovation by the crowd - Innovation platform
  • Innofication English  Innofication Dutch
The Innofication platform offers a wide range of opportunities to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship within your organization where the customer has an important role. For this purpose Innofication has a supportive platform for generating ideas into marketable propositions.

Only good ideas don't generate any revenue!

From idea to successful proposition

As an individual or as a team ideas can be developed into successful propositions which have support within your organization or ecosystem. It is a continuous dialogue with all stakeholders.

Feedback from the crowd

Obtain (constructive) feedback from all players in the game, making the quality of your proposition impressive. Also get support from key stakeholders in your business. Ideal for co-creation and open innovation!


Keep informed with simple notification of new activities in the serious game by receiving email and twitter notifications or check the Activity Monitor in the game.

Knowledge sharing and competence development

Engage with your main stakeholders in the game in an accessible way and exchange important knowledge and experience. In addition, the game content allows innovators to develop their proposition and they have access to the moderators/coaches of Innofication. An educational experience as well!

Investment in good ideas

As a player in the game, you can invest your budget in the ideas that add the most value and of course you prefer. Your investments can be altered continuously in each round creating a dynamic environment for innovation.

Manage the innovation and entrepreneurship process

The game consists of a number of rounds where the value proposition is most often te focal point. The game is fully customizable to company-specific business issues. The game has several instruments to manage quality and professionalism. The game has the several round types, e.g. fixed start and end date, fixed during in a stage, directly to next stage after answering questions and some lag time or after management approval.


Information - transparency

The game has a lot of information available that is accessible standard for all players in real-time. This gives insights into the best or winning ideas, contributions from players, the best investors, etc. This transparency makes the decision for the actual (real) investment in propositions transparent for everyone, so that there is also acceptance by the players with non-winning propositions.


The results of the game goes beyond just choosing the best idea/propostion/solution, but also deliver results that leads to a smooth deployment of propositions. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating!"


Playing the game is very serious but should also have some fun. The game has many elements which makes playing enjoyable!

Serious game basic principles

Belows is a short video showing the core principles of the serious game.