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Assessment methods ideation

Several assessment methods for assessing ideas

We have various assessment methods for ideas in the ideation phase. We will of course advise you on the best assessment method for you in an ideation campaign.


Pretty elementary, but all players in the innovation platform have the capability to assess an idea by giving an idea a like or a dislike. The idea with the most likes (minus dislikes) is the best idea.

This is a transparent approach where each player has the same influence on the assessment of ideas.

Voting players

In the ideation phase, multiple voting periods can be set up where each player is allowed to give a limited number of votes, for example. After a voting period, the vote can no longer be changed. Within a voting period there is an option that a player may withdraw his vote.

This method ensures healthy competition of ideas and is particularly transparent.

As an innovator (owner of an idea) you also have insight into who voted your idea. These are your sponsors. So voting is not anonymous.
ideation voting method

Voting management

In addition, there is an option that only management can vote on ideas and it is not allowed for other players.
The management can for example be a jury in a challenge.

Scoring model

Innofication has developed an advanced assessment model which is a lot more sophisticated than giving ideas just a vote or a like.

Players can assess an idea by giving a like, answer questions about the idea and / or comment.

The scoring model calculates the scores for ideas based on these assessments, taking into account the popularity of ideas.

The scoring model can be completely tailored to your business specific issue. A distinction can be made between the assessments of questions for managers and players.
Ideation assessment