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Customer Experience Challenge

Develop new customer experience concepts or
improve existing customer experience concepts

 Customer Experience Challenge

The customer experience is an important theme for many organizations, since customer experience is a sum of many aspects, such as excellent products and services you deliver, your brand that customers value and the interaction between customers and your organization. The customer experience is therefore a factor that determines whether customers are satisfied and / or loyal to your organization.

When differentiation on product or service level is difficult, customer experience becomes even more important in order to create a competitive advantage and become / remain top of mind.

Your organization probably executes various forms of customer satisfaction surveys that provide insight into the challenges of your organization and in which areas improvements need to be realized. Unfortunately, these studies almost never provide insight into what needs to be changed within your organization and how.

The Customer Experience Challenge is an excellent instrument for gaining insight into which aspects of your organization actually have to change in order to achieve the best customer journey and excellent experience.

Collect suggestions from customers
Co-creatie, together with customers
Design thinking (journeys, personas etc.)
Lean Startup
New- or improved concepts

The customer experience challenge is the most transparent and effective method to develop new or improve customer experience concepts in a community together with your customers with the goal of increasing the loyalty.

Approach of co-creation, serious gaming and open innovation

The crowd (aka players), usually your customers, partners, but also your employees from e.g. customer care, marketing and / or sales department who have frequent contact with customers, usually have both a good understanding of the problems of your organization and a practical view on which improvements could be easily implemented. After all, it is their 'daily business'.

First, ideas / customer experience suggestions are collected from the crowd. This can be done through various channels such as website, intranet, Twitter or in the platform itself.

The crowd also has the capability to assess the ideas of others themselves. The best ideas are then elaborated in different rounds. In various rounds, the proposed customer experience (rough) concepts compete against each other. In each round of the challenge, an aspect of the customer experience management concept has the focus. In each aspect, the players must individually or in a team answer one or more questions.

Each player has a budget in each round that allows the player to invest in the customer experience (CEM) concepts of other players. In addition, an investment must be provided with feedback, so that customer experience concept can be improved. The customer experience management (CEM) concept that receives the most investments over all rounds is the winner and can best be implemented by the organization. The winning concept also has the most commitment from the crowd/players. After the customer experience challenge it is obvious which customer experience concept is preferred.

Customer experience dashboard Design thinking models in innovation platform

 Customer experience results

 The best customer experience concept for your organisation with commitment from stakeholders.
 Insight in different customer experience concepts, so possible alternatives.
 Insight in winning customer experience concept concerning:
 success chance, added value for your organization and your customers
 implementation of winning customer experience concept.


The Customer Experience Challenge can be fully customized to your business needs and styled according to your branding guidelines. The lead time for the customer experience challenge depends on the business needs and available time to run the customer experience challenge.