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Innovation Management and Serious Gaming

Develop ideas into propositions that are
implemented and launched which support of the crowd

Introduction innovation platform

The innovation platform is a concept that consists of two parts that can be used separately, but they are also fully integrated with each other to be able to deploy solutions ranging from collecting ideas to elaborating and validating an ideas into complete propositions.


not only collect ideas, but also develop ideas into successful propositions.
being able to involve many stakeholders.
innovation becomes a "party" in all layers of the organization.
ensure transparency and progress in the innovation process (funnel management).
cheaper and more instructive than off-line innovation methods.
learning and sharing knowledge
interaction and fun

Principle of the Serious Gaming solution

In different rounds ideas are developed into complete propositions . In the first round, players can share an idea (if it is not yet available from the ideation / crowdsourcing phase).

In the innovation management process, a specific theme has the focus in to each round with questions that need to be elaborated by the innovators (player with an idea). The other players can evaluate this idea though feedback and investments . Of course, stakeholders can participate in the challenge who have not contributed an idea, but who have budget value ideas through feedback and investments.

The idea that has received the most investments on all rounds has apparently the most promising idea that has been developed into a proposition that can be implemented and launced.

It is therefore a healthy competition where knowledge sharing , collaboration , getting commitment and fun is the key. The platform has a knowledge base, collaboration, forum, models and players also have the capability to share documents, videos and other content. In each round, the innovation platform makes information available to players in order to elaborate questions in a round, creating a full proposition.


active participation and collaboration between crowd / players to develop propositions
in several rounds in the innovation process propositions are developed
competition is played by individuals and / or in a team (Serious Game)
players / teams invest in each other's proposition and give constructive feedback
lots of interaction, knowledge sharing and learning
innovation process can of course be combined with offline sessions (workshops, plenary sessions)
innovation process can be fully customized to your business issue
result, propositions that can be implemented!
Innovation software platform concept
The innovation management process has many applications capability and is extremely flexible, with popular models such as Business Model Canvas , Lean Canvas , Proposition Canvas , Customer Journey Maps can be used. In addition, many custom variables can be used to, for example, be able to follow the potential in the innovation funnel.

Funnel Management

The innovation platform can be used perfectly for managing an innovation tunnel. An stage-gate process can be set up flawlessly, whereby the innovation management can manage the innovation tunnel.

Ideas and / or propositions can be enriched with a lot of additional information (custom variables). You can think of for example:
Type of innovation
Budget (expected revenue, operational costs, investe e.d.)
Time to market
Expected product lifecycle
Required competences and resources

This information can be quantified and visualized in, among other things, a dashboard. This provides insight into the value in the innovation funnel, among other things. Strategic decisions in the innovation tunnel can be made on the basis of this information, so that a balanced innovation portfolio is built and managed.
Below are two examples of a strategic and operational dashboard built on widgets.
Innovation Strategic Dashboard Strategic dashboard
Innovation Operational Dashboard Operational dashboard